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Latino Love music video is the result of 6 months hard work.
I want to say thank you to the best team I ever had, starting with Edison Abba Cardes thank you for making all of this happen specifically in a city like Vienna,
A big thanks to the nicest choreographer"Nicolas Andres Yim Rodriguez" that motivates us to do whatever no matter how hard it is or
Of course a big thanks to my friend who always supported me since day 1 in Vienna Fabio Sharif
and a big thanks to everyone who joined and helped us from the bottom of my heart.
Zuzana Strausz Plackova
Patricia Miroh
Nicolas Malikov
Alexandra Loana Tulcan
Madina Schlifnig
Denis Junio Kabia
Marcel Marko Marinkovic
Farzad Ghoreyshi
Alen Mulic
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