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While launching over 300 rockets at Israel in a single day, Hezbollah has made a significant move by calling on Iran to join the fight. Iran's response to this call for action has now been revealed. Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claim to have killed Hezbollah's missile unit chief - Ibrahim Qubaisi - but Hezbollah has retaliated by targeting Mount Carmel in what is reportedly its deepest incursion into Israeli territory since the Gaza war began. Watch the full video for more.
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US Veterans throwing their medals at NATOs front gates. Standing in solidarity with people in the Middle East. #usa #middleeast #war #veteran #nato #afghanistan #palestine #israel
A day after massive Israeli airstrikes rocked Lebanon, Hezbollah turned into action mode. It reportedly launched fresh strikes on Sep 24, targeting the Megiddo military airport. Hezbollah rockets also targeted Ramat David base housing IDF troops. Meanwhile, A U.S. official told CNN that Israeli airstrikes left Hezbollah significantly weakened. Watch this video for all the details.
#israel #hezbollah #lebanon #us #airstrikes #israelwar #hindustantimes
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Lebanese authorities say hundreds of people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes. Israel maintains it is striking Hezbollah targets and accuses the militant group of hiding weapons in civilian housing. Officials in the US, Israel's closest ally, say the Biden administration does not support a wider war and that the country is working to reduce tensions.
#israel #lebanon #hezbollah
00:00 Thousands flee southern Lebanon after Israeli airstrikes
02:31 Brian Katulis from Middle East Institute in Washington D.C. explains how the US, Israel's biggest backer and Hezbollah's sponsor Iran are reacting to the conflict.
08:20 Joost Hiltermann from the International Crisis Group tells DW how he thinks a wider conflict could be prevented.
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