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On May 10th, the Associated Press news agency received an email from the US Department of Justice saying that records of more than 20 phone lines assigned to its reporters had been secretly seized as part of an investigation into a government leak. The government claimed it was a matter of national security, while the AP called it an unprecedented intrusion into its newsgathering operations. But should the journalistic community be so surprised? With the Obama White House's track record on whistleblowers and WikiLeaks, the move to spy on AP seems consistent with an administration more committed to secrecy than ever before. Is the United States still the land of the free for journalists and their sources? In this week's News Divide we speak to Laura Malone, legal counsel for the Associated Press; Jeremy Scahill, author of Dirty Wars; The World is a Battlefield; the investigative reporter Dana Priest of the Washington Post; and Ben Wizner from the American Civil Liberties Union.
Focus Washington: Brian Kelly, US News
US State Dept Global Terrorism News
Chroniqueur : Claude Budin-Juteau<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Direction Los Angeles avec ses belles plages, son soleil, sa douceur de vivre et un street artiste original. <br />Joerael Numina est un artiste contestataire qui réalise dans la ville, des peintures d'un genre particulier qui sont spectaculaires. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Pour plus d'informations : <br />instagram.com/joerael_gangthewolf/?hl=fr
http://www.charlestonwellnessc....hiropracticcenter.co I can't stand watching tennis and when I was coming up the only guys on the tennis team were snobs, runts, or fags so needless to say that formed my opinion. Watch this video of a fun tennis match. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Toys R Us News "TOY TRACKER"<br/>
Chroniqueur : Claude Budin-Juteau <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Le printemps est déjà bien présent en Californie. Depuis quelques semaines, les fleurs sauvages ont jailli par milliers à plusieurs endroits, transformant des paysages habituellement arides en vaste champ de fleurs.Â
read now <br />http://pdffree.fullreview.xyz/?book=1402205961
Power of US News Media Exposed
China criticizes US defense reports _ News
Dix ans après « Rocky Balboa », le 6e et dernier film de la série des « Rocky », le scénariste-réalisateur Ryan Coogler raconte l’histoire d’Adonis Johnson.
News X: IT Minister Kapil Sibal has said let the External Affairs Ministry first find out what is the nature of information sought by US,would not like to comment on it.we have to secure information of comman man as well.
US State Dept Global Terrorism News
News from around the nation
US election on sprint stage.<br />The US presidential election has entered the final stage and two candidate pairs of the two parties are competing for an advantage in battle states.<br /><br />Competition fiercely.<br /><br />Traditionally, US Labor Day (September 7) is considered as the opening milestone for the candidates' sprint before the presidential election day. As of September 8, Real Clear Politics summed up the results of the most recent surveys showing that Democratic candidate Joe Biden is 7.1 points ahead of incumbent President Donald Trump.<br /><br />Currently, both sides are focused on competing in important battlefield states such as Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania. These three states leaned toward Democrats for 25 years before Trump unexpectedly won a narrow victory here over Hillary Clinton in 2016. According to Fox News, Trump went to Wisconsin three times in the past few months. here and scheduled to arrive in North Carolina, Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania this week.<br /><br />Meanwhile, Mr. Biden, on his first visit to Wisconsin last week, stopped in the city of Kenosha, where the protests against racism have been raging in the past few weeks, to enlist the support of colored voters.
News: Reactions to the US caution
News report from GM aka GNR